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Celebrating Excellence at KET’s Annual ECD Awards

Principal award for excellent administration, management, presence, guiding teachers and creating an exceptional learning environment

On the 3rd of December we celebrated exceptional contributions to Early Childhood Development (ECD) at our annual Excellence Awards.  The event recognised outstanding achievements by ECD teachers and principals across a range of categories.

The event began with a heartwarming performance by children from Mamma Mia Preschool, followed by special guest speaker Noluthando Moshesh from Focus on iThemba delivering an inspiring talk, emphasising the crucial role ECD practitioners play in shaping young minds. Noluthando highlighted the importance of engaging parents in the learning process, emphasising the benefits of intentional interaction with their children’s learning journey. Her message resonated deeply with the audience, reinforcing the belief that education is a partnership between school and family.

The awards ceremony featured several categories to recognise the tireless work and dedication of ECD professionals in difficult circumstances. Award categories included acknowledging teachers’ outstanding implementation of KET programmes leading to improved children’s achievements, excellence in leadership by principals, and the 5 preschools showing highest results of school ready children.

Practitioners receiving the award for excellence in developing school ready children

All of the awards aligned with KET’s goal to see children thriving and ready to take on the challenges of formal school by the age of 6. We would like to thank the Knysna community for their support, partnering with loyal funders and local supporters makes it possible for us to celebrate excellence in ECD.