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Where Our Funding Comes From

Knysna Education Trust is a non-profit organisation that strives to employ professional performance management, financial disciplines, and governance processes that optimise donor funds and benefits to the ECD facilities and children.

KET is a non-profit organisation whose administration expenses are 12% of income, versus the national average of between 15%-25%. KET receives no government grants for our core programmes (literacy, numeracy, teacher training, nutritional support, parent engagement training, baby-toddler programme, and ECD facility infrastructure upgrades) and relies entirely on donations.

All donations made by local donors (cash or in-kind) will be issued with a SARS section 18A tax certificate for tax deduction purposes. KET is audited annually, has always received a clean bill of health, and our annual financial reports are available on the AGM reports page of our website.

A group of children forming a train. KET supports early childhood development initiatives through funding and donations
A clipboard with a checklist showing KET’s results-focused approach to funding

Results-Focused Team

Works to get funding used to maximum effect

A banknote with arrows going in a circle, showing KET’s multi-channel funding model

Multi-Channel Funding Model

Reduced vulnerability and enhanced sustainability

A coin with arrows going in a circle around it showing KET’s multiple donation options

Multiple Donation Options

Inclusive multi-option donations for businesses and individuals

3 people showing how KET works on collaborative projects with other local NGOs

Collaborative Projects

Working with other local NGOs to serve the holistic needs of communities and beneficiaries

Registration information

Non-Profit Organisation Registration: NPO 004-286
Public Benefit Organisation Registration: 93/00/00/1366

Our Commitment To Our Donors

KET has a qualified accountant and works with a firm of chartered accountants, who conducts annual audits and produces the Annual Financial Statements. These statements are available for review by the public on request and are open to enquiry. We believe in openness and transparency regarding our financial income and the detailed spend of donors’ funding. We pride ourselves on keeping administrative costs to a minimum. This ensures the maximum amount of donations received are used to directly assist our beneficiaries.

The Board reviews and monitors the monthly financial statements produced by our accountant. Each programme’s funding is tracked individually by the accountant.

Funds secured for specific programmes are ring-fenced and only used for these specific programmes.

Programme managers are responsible for monitoring and overseeing their individual programme budgets and conduct regular financial reviews with the general manager to ensure budgets are met. They also manage their programmes according to predetermined goals and targets, informed by our collective vision, mission, values, and strategic goals.

An abacus showing KET’s accountant-conducted audits as part of transparency around their funding

Accountant-Conducted Audits

Financial documentation for review and enquiry.

A graph showing an upward trend, showing KET’s belief in transparency when it comes to donor spending

Total transparency on donor spending

We believe in total transparency on detailed donor spending.

A stack of files with a looking glass, showing KET’s commitment to good governance and internal processes around funding

Good Governance & Internal Processes

Intensive funding tracking and an outcomes-based approach.