Growing Together: The Family Behind Jaydine’s Daycare
Principal Yolandi opened Jaydine’s Daycare on May 5th, 2014. As the facility marks its tenth year, she reflects on the importance of family throughout her journey. It was her father who suggested she open the facility, pointing out that her love for children would make her an excellent practitioner. He passed away a year later, inspiring her to carry out his vision. She went door to door in her neighborhood, conducting “market research” to see if there was a need for childcare services in the area.
With a positive response, she opened the doors of her home and named the ECD facility “Jaydine’s Daycare,” after one of her daughters. She collected toys and resources to entertain the six children attending. One year later, in 2015, she affiliated with KET. Donations from KET, such as learning resources, a fridge, table and chairs, and other furnishings, improved the children’s daily learning experience.
Working closely with KET’s registration team, the ECD facility earned government registration and was attended by 30 children by 2016. Yolandi recalls the first years of business being extremely tough. She would often bring food from her own home to feed the children since parents could not afford to provide. KET intervened by placing her on the feeding scheme, allowing her to receive regular food vouchers to help feed the children. The facility also benefitted from KET’s Adopt a Child’s Education programme to help cover fees for children who’s parents could not afford them.

KET then organized the donation of a container classroom from Breadline Africa. This made a significant difference to the preschool, allowing more space for the children to learn in and helping the facility finally earn a government subsidy of R17 per child per day. Despite the funding, which she is very grateful for, Yolandi emphasizes that she still struggles financially. There are times when she does not pay herself a salary. She prioritizes her six teachers, whom she sees as an extension of her family.
Her daughter, whom Jaydine’s Daycare is named after, is currently 22 years old and works as a teacher at the facility. Yolandi points out that her mother has also been a shoulder to lean on, filling in for teachers if they are absent and always being there to offer support.
Jaydine’s Daycare currently has 66 children attending. Yolandi’s dream is to have 100 children and to expand by using the building across the road as another classroom. Currently, she does not have space for more children, which is unfortunate as her preschool has such a great reputation that she often has to turn children away.

Yolandi wrote the following letter to KET on the facility’s 10th birthday:
Today Jaydine’s Daycare marks 10 years of grace. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards Knysna Education Trust, from the highest rank and everyone in their capacity at the Trust.
I am also going to make exceptions: To Angelina Smith, thank you for not giving up on me personally. You have pushed me to the extreme and made me believe that everything is possible. Today I sit with a level 4 and even though I am not done yet, it is all because of you. I also know that you did this to the other students. You are a teacher, mentor, everything in one. The passion that you had when we were taught by you, helped me to finished what I started. I don’t have enough words, Angelina Smith, to write everything down, but know that I am grateful, I am also proud of who I am, because of you.
Nella Gysman, Jordine Windwaai, thank you for not giving up, thank you that you have also pushed me and made me believe registering the creche is possible. Thank you for all the advice that you gave us. We have registration certificates and all the other certificates, because of you, Micayla included. Thank you for what you did and are still doing. Thank you for doing it with the others as well.
To Nomvano and Okuhle for all the workshops that were presented by you. All the activities that seemed difficult you made it very easy for us to present to the children. Keep up the good work. To Xoliswa Mabukane, Vee and all the other staff that have left the trust, thank you.
Thank you Knysna Education Trust for all the equipment and material that you have brought to the creche. You have taught us that out of raw and recycled material you can create the best object, picture, portrait, you name it. Thank you to Breadline Africa for the containers. I know they worked through you and Jaydine’s Daycare was lucky enough to have received containers. At times we felt like giving up, but you came through for us in a miraculous way. Thank you facilitators for visiting us at our creches and advice and suggestions to our benefit. We do apply them at the creche and it works. We also know that hard works pays off and one day you will as the Knysna Education Trust receive your reward. Jaydine’s Daycare salutes you and keep on doing what you are doing. Keep on doing the good and the hard work, cause we know it is also not easy for you. May God bless you and carry you from strength to strength. We know that everything is possible with you on our side. Have a good one from Principal Yolandi and Staff of Jaydine’s Daycare.