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How can I help my child’s learning?

You send your child to an ECD facility to build a solid learning foundation. Here’s how you can help them on their learning journey:

1. Practice At Home

Reinforce what your child has learned at preschool by practising at home. You can repeat words, rhymes and stories. You can practice new skills with them to speed up their development.

You can play games and build puzzles with your child to revise the themes they are learning at preschool

2. Send Your Child To Preschool On Time Everyday

Missing a day of preschool or being late can be disruptive. Your child deserves the chance to follow the curriculum their teacher has set out. The only reason a child should miss preschool is if they are sick or if there has been a tragedy in the family.  

3. Attend parent meetings and events

Involved parents know their child’s teachers and regularly meet with them to discuss their learning journey. Parents should inform teachers of important news or health concerns that may affect their child.

Supporting events that strengthen the preschool through awareness and fundraising has a positive impact on your child, since their learning environment will be improved from these efforts. If you can’t help raise funds by donating money, donate your time or expertise instead. For example, if the preschool is selling pancakes to raise funds, you can help by advertising to your friends and family.

4. Read, sign and return slips and letters

If the teacher has sent a letter home, make sure that you read it and understand what it means for your child. They could miss out on important outings or opportunities because you have not paid attention to the letters sent home.

5. Keep your child healthy

If you want your child to learn well, you’ll need to ensure they are healthy. Send them to bed at the same time every night, and make sure they get at least eight hours of sleep. You should also make sure that your child is eating healthy food. Eating enough fruits and vegetables is important for their brain development. Too much sugar can be damaging.

6. Let Your Child Know They Are Loved

Most importantly, pay attention to your child. Emotional connection is crucial for their development. You can help them to feel loved and supported through cuddling with them, playing with them, and being there for them when they feel big emotions. 

Reading with your child helps to foster a loving connection with them