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Gillian Carter Resource Centre Toy Box Joy!

Gillian Carter, best known as the local Librarian for 35 years. She was passionate about Literacy and Early Childhood Education and also served as a trustee at KET for 20 years.

The Gillian Carter Resource Centre was established in honour of this wise educationalist and great humanitarian who used her many talents to enrich the lives of the Knysna community.

THE TOY BOX PROJECT was funded through the resource centre with six toy boxes available on a two week rotating basis to local preschools. The boxes consist of a variety of toys, books and puzzles to assist teachers in using creative and hands-on education methods to encourage learning through play. A goal is to fund more of these boxes so that each preschool eventually has their own Toy Box!

The children at Paula Whitney and Judah Square Educare Centres were the first to experience the joy of educational toys!